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The truth is here!

River of Lies, the NZ Scamdemic is now available to view online!

After what seems an eternity sorting out technical issues, I am truly delighted to announce that our documentary ‘River of Lies - The New Zealand Scamdemic Investigative Documentary’ is now available online to view. All you need to do is to go to our home page, and buy your access code and you will be able to watch it to your heart’s content.

We are using the screening both online and at events to raise funds to cover my legal expenses and pay it forward so that we can fund the work for the

next two episodes. We've already made a start on Episode Two and, if you think Episode One is good, wait until you see the next two episodes! We're very excited to be working on them and can't wait to get them completed. (Still lots of work to be done, though).

To those of you who have donated more than $20 to the documentary account or who were at Te Atatu, please contact us through the website we will send you a link to view it.

Thank you always for your dearly appreciated support.

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2 commentaires

25 oct. 2023

I wish to say Thank-You Billy, to you & all the people who played a part in the making of this Documentary.

Both Dave and I watched Ep. one this morning. The professionalism with which this Documentary has been made is good to see.

it was great to see & hear the facts & the Truth that was denied from us by the Government & Mainstream Media, ie "FAKE News "Now we have valid information to send to family ,friends also others who could benefit immensely from this information..

Looking forward to Part 2...🌿🏞️🌿


20 oct. 2023

Thanks so much I found it this morning it was great.

Tears came when seeing our beloved Dr Rashid Buttar.

It was a long wait to watch The River Of Lies but I think it was well worth it.

There were some very informative interviewers on it.

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