NZCCI Hearings and the agreement that may end all freedoms as we know it – the GLOBAL PACT is coming!
Yesterday I woke up early after a very late night in Silverdale, Auckland for the New Zealand Citizen Covid-19 Inquiry hearing and, as usual, I did my morning media surf. I ran head first into an article on the RNZ and NZ Herald websites telling of a 13 year old boy who, in late 2021, died in his sleep of myocarditis, ten days after receiving his second Pfizer Comirnaty ‘vaccine’.

The coroner, Robin Hay, had sheepishly stated that whilst he couldn’t be certain, he could not rule out it was the ‘jab’ that had killed the boy. The rage and sadness I felt almost consumed me as I looked at my own son who is 13 years of age sleeping on his motel bed. He is working on the Hearing Events with me with his mum and sisters. I deeply love my son as all dads should.
The article tells of how the boy had a normal evening after school and went to bed but when he didn’t surface in the morning, his dad went in to rouse him and found his son face down in the bed and rigid. Despite doing CPR the boy was long gone.
My heart was broken for this dad and for the mum – no doubt caring and loving parents. But I was angry – that the members of the Vaccine Technical Advisory Group had approved this mRNA, never-before-used new vaccine technology so quickly for children, pregnant women and the population at large. I loath Dr Ian Town, Dr Nikki Turner, Dr Helen Petousis Harris and the other VTAG members – and I mean this deeply. But I also loathe the government politicians who approved and funded these jabs without the broad caution that should have been applied. From what I have investigated and seen in OIA’s, there was no caution – they believed Pfizer ahead of safety processes and caution.
I no longer have loathing of parents that Covid vaccinated their children. It is replaced with a deep compassion, concern and understanding that they believed their government and trusted ‘Aunty Cindy’ and ‘Uncle Ashley’ when they told them the mRNA jab was safe and efficient. It was not. It is not.
But the propaganda of the Government was so strong and they couldn’t be wrong and wouldn’t lie would they? The answer is yes to one if not both. The vaccine propaganda has its victims.
While doing the NZCCI Covid Inquiry, I am working on part two of the documentary ‘RIVER OF LIES – The NZ Vaccine Tragedy’ and what we have to share is a total mind and heart wrecker. As someone who is drenched in data and evidence about this issue – I am confronted daily with the questions: How did they get it so wrong? Did they do it all on purpose? Have there been crimes committed here by our Government?
The unemotional response to the last question is – I believe yes, there have been crimes committed through the Covid response measures by the NZ Labour led Coalition Government of 2020 and beyond November 2020 until October 2023. But my suspicion is that the current government, like the last, will end up victimising New Zealanders, but this time in a new, advanced way.
I want justice for this young boy and his parents and I pray for peace for these parents who lost their son because they trusted an unworthy and corrupt government.
NZCCI Hearings are under way – join the train!

We held our first NZCCI hearing on Sunday March 24 in Mangawhai with a jam packed hall and many testimonies from health professionals and ordinary people who testified of the harms they have suffered through Covid-19 response measures.
We had our second meeting in Silverdale on a Tuesday night which again was well attended and with heart wrenching testimonies.
Both events have told me that there are many people needing to tell their stories and that they want to hold the Government accountable for their sufferings that were never justified by the science. But there is a deep anger in people and a sense of hopelessness that they don’t count and that there will be no accountability.
This is what we are going to do with the Inquiry – hold those accountable for their behaviour and the grievous, possibly criminal decisions they made. The very special thing about the NZCCI Hearings is that people testifying are saying how loved and supported they feel when they speak. Even the most timid people have said how great it was to speak.
Please be a part of this most important project – we need your support. There are forces we are fighting to keep going. Please help us to continue.
Visit for your Terms of Reference and inquiry structure document, to register your interest and to donate.
UN Global Pact for the Future – Signs off in September.
This past week I have seen even more evidence of how plans are afoot to end freedom as we know it. In September this year, without the need of the International Health Regulations 2005 amendments or the Global Pandemic Response Framework, centralised global management takes a major step forward.
There is a new programme called PACT aka GLOBAL PACT that the UN has been working on in plain sight. This PACT programme will be the overarching mechanism under which ALL programmes that involve Sustainable Development Goals aims will be made possible.
The potential negative effect on civil liberties and local decision making power will, in my view, allow for total dominance of individual freedom of choice and movement etc. Why and how? Because there is a ‘FUTURE OUTCOMES’ document that ALL UN member States will sign that covers WHO, UNDP, WEF, Climate change and SDG issues at once without the need to rehash or seek new agreements to achieve goals. If implemented, this will in one strategic strike, bundle control and gift it to the unelected officials of the NGO, the UNITED NATIONS, who will then develop and pass policies centrally for adoption at the local end in member state jurisdiction – or it could be worse, legal at their end. In short, this could be the end of any chance that measures we may come up with to resist this concept of global governance will work. This programme document will be presented for sign off at the SUMMIT OF THE FUTURE in September which will be attended by Heads of State to sign off the proposal, underlining the seniority of this agreement.
The current National led Coalition Government will be participants in these programmes and with Winston Peters attending the NATO meeting at this time of writing, it shows us that this is a globalist government bent on proving to itself that it can sit at the table and eat with the big boys, whilst at the same time agreeing to such programmes – for global security and better ‘outcomes’. In New Zealand, it will take a special unified effort to expose what is happening and confront it, so that we can assault it with a clear evidence-based argument and slow it right down or defeat it. This must include confronting this current government and telling them we know what they are planning.
The NZCCI and River of Lies Documentary will provide proof that the Government can, will and has made decisions that are not in the interest of New Zealanders.
We understand that Luxon is a globalist and ‘freedom fighters’ love to remind us of this and yell fascist at him. I agree with this description. But the fact is, it will be Deputy Prime Minister and Minster of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Winston Peters, who will end up putting ink on these agreements.
This is the same man who signed the Covid-19 Public Health Response Act into law and is introducing the Medsafe Drugs Approval bill proposal which will force Medsafe to approve new drugs within 30 days if pre-approved by ‘two internationally recognised authorities’. This will circumvent ALL reasonable safety and quality protocols Medsafe use – currently. And we have seen the disaster of the past two years since Covid vaccines arrived, WITH a ‘safety process’ in place – what the heck will it look like without it? Why would Winston Peters want this? This is the same man that NZDSOS and Reality Check Radio are aligned with, much to the chagrin of many Doctors who are too afraid to speak up.
I am in an international think tank of people who are deeply concerned about the next few months post the World Health Assembly meeting in May / June that culminates with this new overarching programme being signed off by Heads of State in September.

The fact that there is no discussion within the New Zealand ‘freedom movement’ of some of these issues at the deepest point of what they mean to us, is telling me they are missing some important factors that threaten us.
There is a mass distraction operation going on – including looking at the symptoms of the threat to liberty but not the cause. We still have some time left that we can mobilise tactically and strategically to confront, expose and educate people about what is happening but we must ALL unite to do this.
I had a conversation online with a ‘freedom fighter’ figure last night who told me that all the different groups can work separately to defeat the beast and that it will be ‘death by a thousand cuts’. This could not be further from the truth. The division we have seen since 2020 between the minor ‘freedom’ political parties and their failure to achieve anything politically meaningful on their own tells us that biting alone at the ankles of the system is a failed strategy. This is now well evident.
We must ALL unite and aggregate our voices – put differences and pettiness aside IF we are to confront this resolute enemy and their tactics. Otherwise, when we are all in our 15 minute cities and eating cricket burgers we will have to live with the regret that our childish behaviour helped to enable that frightening reality.
May we come together NOW and co-ordinate our efforts… time is passing.
