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River of Lies Episode One – now FREE to view


River of Lies – Episode One is now free.


I met with my co producer for the documentary last night and we decided to make Episode One of River of Lies – The NZ Scamdemic Investigative Documentary free to view so that we can get the message of the ‘Scamdemic’ out in urgency.

We are fighting an information war and the resolute and continued propaganda programme propagated by those elected and unelected individuals bent on ending freedom, human rights and civil liberties in our country and the world. Their intent? To present their ideas as being for the ‘greater good’ and for our survival, when the opposite applies.

The World Future Summit held at the UN this coming September is their chance to make the killer blow and potentially end any opportunity for meaningful resistance to the global reset into a  ‘high tech global green society’. The new world that is being ‘built back better’ by psychotic ‘political and rich elites’ and NGO officials, will reduce mankind to living within 15 minute parameters in a high tech digital society with humanity regarded as human capital to be vaccinated into oblivion.

I have spoken about this since 2020 and, at the time, I was called a conspiracy nut job – but we are now living the reality that this new world really is being imposed on us.  Australia passing their National Digital ID programme through the Federal Senate presents a stark truth which we must come to grips with. This is happening.

The objective of the River of Lies Documentary series is to awaken people to the understanding that if the governments of the world, including our own, can lie about Covid and be secretive and dishonest, what else are they doing and planning to do? If we can open the door to the minds of the masses we may still have a chance to resist - successfully.

September is the date to put into our diary and we must do everything we can before then to awaken the sleeping masses to the silent deadly threat that is creeping our way.

Please go to and download Episode One and watch it and SHARE it with as many people as possible!

Please if you can, donate to us so that we can continue work on Episode 2.


Reality Check Radio – Got checked?

For many months, I have observed from afar the strangeness of RCR. I have noted that the guests invited onto their shows are carefully selected and curated, while seemingly shaping an audience's perspective through ideological manipulation.

For example, you have right wing political journalist Cam Slater, who is as toxic as anyone on the far left and who shows a certain arrogant superiority because he comes from a National Party Political family. Oh yes, he will tell you that he has rubbed shoulders with Prime Ministers and politicians since he was a child.

Then you have the anti-Māori Dr Muriel Newman recently taken on board. Now I am fully opposed to He Pua Pua and to any form of Māori apartheidism in New Zealand and I was sickened by the virtue signalling and wokeness of using Māori language for government agencies and road signs in place of old names. I do not support UNDRIP either.

But I am not anti-Māori acknowledgement as being Tangata Whenua, which is right and reasonable. But Newman, like Winston Peters, has developed an audience base by slagging almost anything to do with Māori. But I have agreed with a lot of her sentiments and thoughts about opposing socialism, communism creep in NZ and racial apartheidism. But she is also a former politician for the Act Party which has shown itself to be an enemy of liberty and I must question her philosophical stance now – is it the same as Act?

But the problem we have is yet another academic on ‘radio’ propagating extreme views that throws the baby out with the bath water.

Between Newman and Slater what do we have? In my view more division in an already divided society and a clear ideological agenda. The answer to loss of freedom must be ‘A political’ unity but this is not where the left or right commentators are coming from and this raises the issue of ‘planned distraction’. Focusing on symptoms but never the cause.

The other day, Rodney Hide interviewed New Zealand Zionist and part Māori, Dr Sheree Trotter – his second interview with her.  And RCR aka Hide gave Trotter carte blanche to defend what I view is indefensible behaviour from the Israel Defence Force in Gaza.

Now to be perfectly clear, in my view Hamas IS a terrorist organisation. Yes it is true their excuse for their murderous activities is that they are fighting for 'Palestinian Liberation’ but this is a weak, intolerable and unacceptable argument for their inhumanity. The slaughter of innocent Israelis is tragic. But Hamas’ entire operation is a manipulation.

But no less criminal is the genocide of innocent Palestinians being conducted by the IDF. The killing of over 33,000 Palestinians, including over 13,000 babies and children has been found by the International Court as genocidal, and it is. There is no tactical excuse for killing targets that are clearly young kids, elderly, media and health / aid workers like they have. This too is a horrific manipulation.

But what is the manipulation I am referring to? It is the effort to create the pretence for a regional conflict and possibly a world war through Middle East conflict – THAT’S the manipulation. But as a Christian, I am astounded at how anyone, including Trotter cannot see how human life is being exterminated to achieve an outcome that is premeditated and Hegelian?

Trotter in 2020 called me, a person with well-loved Jewish friends, an anti- semite  – the truth is, she is a biased and blind idealogue who is part of a whole generation and breed of such academics. The same kind that say Covid and Climate Change are real and that we need to mask up, shut up and follow their lead.

Yes, Reality Check Radio have been carefully constructed to manipulate and promote a strange bias no different to the woke leftist media and, in my opinion, it looks like they have been caught out conducting an operation.   

What operation? Let me explain. Two weeks ago, RCR celebrated that they published full page adverts across NZ promoting ‘Have your say’ which was a very cunning ploy to get people to give them concepts and personal data under the guise of gathering Terms of Reference points for a ‘Covid Inquiry’. Speak to anyone and they will tell you that they thought this activity was about informing the Royal Commission of Inquiry. I thought the same. But it wasn’t – it was about them collecting YOUR data for an undisclosed purpose. My guess for the Winston Peters Inquiry.

Interestingly, the now increasingly discredited, Peters aligned NZDSOS leadership was seen supporting these paper media adverts. But the question I have is, if they are in financial strife, how did RCR manage to pay for newspaper adverts that cost anywhere from $2,000 to $10,000 per ad?

How can they, just two weeks later, declare a shut down for lack of funds, when VFF helped fund their setup and have access to an apparently limitless cash bucket from their network? Is this a ploy to fundraise? Or is it something else? One thing is for sure, they are seeking to suck the oxygen out of the room for any legitimate resistance activity. VFF and RCR have employed this strategy several times – and they are doing it again. But why?

Whatever this is – it does not seem to add up. Yes it is true – despite many people emailing them about interviewing me about the New Zealand Citizen Covid-19 Inquiry, they have stubbornly refused. The YOU'RE BLOCKED screenshot I just received as I am typing this is from a person who asked them to interview me. Good timing and it makes my point.

But why? It is because it is all about franchise business and agenda isn’t it? – I believe that RCR, VFF and NZDSOS have one. In time we will see what that is, but I believe I have their number on that. As for me, they see me as some sort of threat to their business and message. Strange that - so does the left.


UK MP Andrew Bridgen interview last night. 

Last night I had the great honour and pleasure of connecting with and interviewing brave UK Parliamentarian and former Conservative Party member, Andrew Bridgen. 

Andrew was removed from his party because he dared openly question the Covid response narrative of the government and then, once he had done his research, he exposed the clear conflicting data and dishonest behaviour from those pedalling the Covid lies. 

We are beginning to edit the interview and I will get this out as soon as possible. But I wanted to provide you with a glimpse of who it was that I encountered when I interviewed him. 

First off, he was hilarious and entertaining and gleefully gave me a couple of one liners that really gave me a good healthy laugh. That was therapy to me. But he came across as an ordinary, good man of the people. He was proud to tell me that he grew up in North West Leicester and that he had worked there and lives there and knows his people well - and they know him. He went on to crush his competitors and win the electoral seat of North West Leicester – several times.  And even when he was expelled from the Conservative Party, his people stuck by him.  He does for them – and they do for him. 

But the cost he has paid is high and, through this, I related to him greatly. He has been slandered, attacked in the media and became a pariah of British politics, causing him to lose his home and face high legal bills. That is similar to what I have been through. 

But he said that to remain silent and not to have spoken against the Covid tyranny and the lies he saw would have meant he had sold his soul. He wisely stated "Once you sell your soul you can never afford to buy it back". Hear, hear and bravo Mr Bridgen!   

We discussed Covid crimes and world politics and for only the second time in political discourse, I found myself talking with someone who agrees with my thoughts about the deadly geo-political game we are seeing. The first time this happened was with my friend, Senator Malcolm Roberts. 

Andrew Bridgen, like me, understands well that these next few month are so pivotal and that the September UN meeting to sign the GLOBAL PACT agreement is hugely ominous. He also agreed with my assessment that we are either heading for a World War, deep global financial collapse, a man-made false flag medical or weather event – or a mix of them all, to get us to accept a global governance solution to our ‘problems’.  The UK is facing authoritarianism of the highest order, but he encouraged me with the knowledge that the Brits are waking up.

One thing he said, which really validated my own thought processes, was how he said that ‘many freedom fighters’ ‘are not seeing the big and deep picture and are not understanding the threat that is coming at us’.  That has been my own frustration all along.  

Interestingly he told me of his meeting with the Russian Ambassador in London to much furore. He told me that the Russians know that the Brits, US and other countries are already in the Ukraine fighting and that they are holding back so as not to start WW3.  But fearfully, there is a redline that, if crossed, will cause the Russians to respond and that will be an incomparable disaster. 

We talked a lot more and then ended our conversation. I liked him very much – a great mind and a heart for the people. (Now if Winston Peters was like him – I'd believe him and support him but he isn’t). I am proud and honoured that he is helping me with the Inquiry and the River of Lies Documentary. 

Please note that Andrew is leading a debate in the UK Parliament on April 18 about the Covid corruption in the UK – let's ensure we tune in and support him. - please share.


New Zealand Citizen Covid-19 Inquiry – Fundraiser & Unity.

We have now delivered several National Hearing events, gaining the testimonies of dozens of people willing to testify to the harm they have experienced because of the alleged crimes committed by the New Zealand Government, during the pandemic era and the execution of their Covid response measures.

While undertaking this Inquiry and working on the documentary, I can, hand on heart, say that there is overwhelming evidence that the Labour-led Coalition Government and their medical officials killed people by not doing their jobs right or, through mis or malfeasance, committed crimes. I believe we are going to prove most, if not all, of our allegations.

We are not funded by the government or any ‘secret source’ of any kind.  Oh how I wish the outrageous rumours were true - that I have secret offshore funders!  The truth is that we are taking on a genuine activity - our last option to try and beat back what is coming by exposing what has happened to us, so that people can see what is ahead. I can see no other operation within the ‘freedom movement’ which could do what we are trying to do - that is to hold accountable those who committed crimes against Kiwis and show New Zealanders what ‘they’ are planning to do to us all.

We have 12 more national hearing events to do and have no money. Because we have no funding and rely on donations for the Hearings, we have not covered our costs enough to pay it forward to the next destination. Heartbreakingly, we have seen people come to the hearings who have not even put $2 into the donation koha box, I know and respect that things are tight but really?  Four events did not pay for themselves and we having to issue a call to action for the public to help us.

The South Island schedule, Nelson, Greymouth, Christchurch, Dunedin and Invercargill need over $12,000 for a team of 9 people and 3 vehicles, ferry crossing, fuel and accommodation. It may not seem a lot of money to some and it isn’t for the work we are doing, but we don’t have it. In regards to the issue of being paid for working on this Inquiry, aside from meeting some of my personal costs for the hearings like food and fuel, I am not being paid anything to live on. It is mainly through my small generic donor base that I can even pay my telecommunications bill.

The question we must ask is – do you support a news outlet such as RCR to report what SOME of what we already know is happening, or do you support a real activity that can actual battle the enemy and confront them? Please also remember that ALL of the information we are gathering will be for public record and is not used for data mining or on-selling to third party agencies of any kind. If this project and the national hearings are to continue we need your financial help and organisational support. If you would like to donate any significant amount we can provide you with a receipt and a full budget and short business plan so you know what it is happening.

Please donate by going to using the donate button on this page.



Thank you for your support of this important work. I have people thanking me for the work we are doing, but to be clear, I don’t want accolades, praises or political office. I am doing this work because it must be done.

The seriousness of what I am doing, the stories and the work itself to compile data so that it is thorough, precise and compelling is the hardest thing I have ever done. It is a gigantic burden and it is wearing me down because I am doing the heavy lifting on my own at the moment because of lack of funds. This is not a cry baby, poor me sob story – it is a fact.

I am haunted by the fact that I am fighting so much absurdity and nonsense from within the freedom movement and specifically the ‘leaders’ who in my view are selfish and have commercialised and exploited to their own benefit a deeply threatening situation without understanding fully what is at risk.  Andrew Bridgen understands and is dealing with a similar environment, with people resenting him for calling a spade a spade, and he does. He says the freedom movement is deeply divided by people wanting to exploit a dire situation.

And it is that reality which I will continue to speak out against as well. I know that, just as in 2020 when I spoke up, that some people will think I am guilty of being divisive by saying these things about VFF, NZDSOS and RCR. I make no apologies for calling out people who, while they are building a brand and a business, are getting in the way of any chance of unity, so that we have a greater voice and action against the threat we are facing to our liberty.

It all comes down to self-sacrifice and genuine service to people ahead of yourself and even your own whanau. My wife lives with that reality and how she is still with me is a testimony to her and our children who work as labour on the Hearings tour.

This is April 11’s blog - I'd better get going, I've said my piece and, as ever, it is said with love for all of us and to God, but with a great love for truth and the need to stand for the right.

Time is ticking into the future. What future do you want?



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