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Prison for Protesting?


It was almost mid-night on Saturday night in December 2022 when I started to write this blog but didn’t complete it. I had wanted to convey my thoughts that had been filling my mind which I wanted us all to consider at that time.

That past week or so had been a huge emotional roller-coaster dealing with the issues of babies needing blood transfusions, news that petrol was going down in supply for Christmas, stories of children being murdered, an economic crisis ahead and the news that National had won the Hamilton West by election. The roller-coaster is still traveling at full speed.

I want to be clear about an important point. Since my speaking up against New Zealand Government tyranny, corrupt Covid-19 narratives and loss of civil liberties in 2020, my heart intent and goal was about speaking up for every New Zealander’s right to live in freedom and without Government over reach.

I would still defend the right of a communist to be a communist or even a trans person to be that – but not with the right to force their lifestyle or agenda on the rest of us. I am a protestant Bible-based Christian, and the second principle of my faith after salvation through grace is the God given right to free will. It is this belief that has been central to my stance.

On August 18, 2021 I was arrested for protesting during a level 4 lockdown, against harm caused by lockdowns. The day I was arrested a young girl in my community committed suicide because of lockdown anxiety. This tragedy underlines my point. All because of a mortality rate for Covid that is the same as a seasonal flu.

Fast forward eighteen months

It is now known that the Covid ‘vaccine’ DIDN’T stop you from getting ‘Covid’ nor spreading it, and lockdowns not only didn’t work but caused harm and destruction. Chris Hipkins said he regretted using lockdowns and the length of time they were used. Despite ALL of this being evident and begrudgingly also by the ‘Covid Crowd’, the people of New Zealand are still being pushed hard against the wall by the bully which is the Government.

On December 15, 2022 I was found guilty of breaching the Covid 19 orders of the Director General and organising and attending a protest. These rights to peaceful protest are meant to be defended and guaranteed by the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990. Since my arrest in August 2021, I have paid $27,000 in legal costs, was under home detention for nineteen days, was prohibited from using the internet, forbidden from contacting certain people, had random police visits, and massive stress for my wife, children and myself.

Be mindful that the protest I organised was peaceful, with fewer than one hundred people in attendance, and no Covid cases were caused or property harmed as a result of the protest. In essence, there really was no crime. To protest during a lockdown was deemed a crime; a key issue I was protesting.

I am about to be sentenced

I am about to be sentenced next Thursday March 30, 2023 for this ‘crime’. I have seen my pre-sentencing report done by the New Zealand Corrections Service and it lists my character references, service to community record (New Zealand Army, Police, Voluntary Fire Service, Youth Road Safety, White Ribbon Ambassador etc.), my beautiful home-life and family, my work as a Pastor, and no previous criminal convictions. I do not drink, do drugs or smoke.

I have been told there is a possibility I will get a prison sentence. As of 12:43 PM on Friday March 24, I am concerned that they will jail me. If they do so I believe I may be harmed while in prison or may be silenced forever. I say this without drama, my faith is in God, but I know what dictatorial regimes do to people like me.

Over the past three years I have received threats both to my face and hand-delivered to my home address, which is the reason why we left our beloved home and moved eighteen months ago. I have been threatened by gang members who no doubt have colleagues in prison. I have received threats of harm from extremists on the left and right who would seemingly like to do me harm in a prison environment.

What am I saying?

I am saying if they jail me they may try to kill me or allow someone to do that. I have had this discussion with my beautiful wife because it had to be had. New Zealand has a history of jailing innocent people and we have a globalist Government that is intent on crushing any form of dissent.

I have decided that if they do jail me I will go on immediate hunger strike and I will need you to promote my plight as far as possible. I am not suicidal and I am resolute in my faith so suicide is not an option for me – I love my whanau / family and have a service left to do for them, for my fellowship family and the wider community.

Would I do it all again this way? I’d love to say no but wrong is wrong, evil is evil and it must be stood up to, so I guess my answer is yes. Did I do this just for my own family or fame or gain? No. I made my stand for every Kiwi family in honour of the New Zealand Military men and women who gave their lives in wars to defend the freedom of New Zealanders.

Fame and gain?

I am the poorest I have been in years – I don’t even have my own car anymore. ANZ forced an audit of my bank account for the previous twelve months and it had a mere $28,000 through it. Prior to Covid I had a decent income. Speaking up only impoverished my cash flow and family. Our home is very humble and we live by God’s grace on koha/donation and what we grow on the land. I already had some ‘fame’ as an international blues guitar player during which time I travelled the world with my family, performing. There has been no gain other than new family and friends – who replaced the ones I lost – and a greater love of God, my wife and children.

Please keep me and friend Vinny Eastwood who is also sentenced with me in your prayers. Vinny has just become the father of a beautiful little baby boy and deserves to be with his son. As I have, he has suffered enough since our arrest. We have more than paid the price for doing the right thing.

Next Thursday we will see if the judge is a decent human, and if he will serve justice beyond a guilty verdict.

Your brother, Billy Te Kahika

2 commentaires

26 mars 2023

I know exactly what you mean.. Unfortunately alot of good people out there will brush it off thinking "oh no they can't do that!" or "they're not allowed to do that", even "they wouldn't do that." The sad TRUTH is they COULD they WOULD and they DO as they think in doing so will allow them more time to enslave us. Those of us who know the extent of EVIL these usurpers follow, know just how beautifully brave Billy actually is. The LOVE for his fellow people, US! Is shown and felt through his selflessness. This beautiful man and his beautiful family are sacrificing their world as they know it for the greater good of our future! Actions such as this are th…


Pam Blowers
Pam Blowers
25 mars 2023

Hang in there Billy, your faith will see you through. God bless you and your family.


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