I am pleased to announce through my blog that we have launched the New Zealand Citizen Covid-19 Inquiry. This will be an activity concurrent to completing Episode 2 (of 3) of the documentary.
The scope of this Inquiry is a criminal investigation on behalf of the citizens of New Zealand, conducted on behalf of the people of New Zealand, and we will investigate possible crimes that were committed by the New Zealand Labour government, through their response to Covid-19. We are, of course committed to accountability and transparency in the way we conduct this inquiry.
Our team of investigators and legal advisors will ensure that the Inquiry is conducted according to the highest evidentiary standards and that the administration of the inquiry is carried out with rigorous financial and legal oversight. The New Zealand Citizen Covid-19 Inquiry team will discharge their roles to the very highest standards of conduct, ethics, and integrity.
There are two Government / Crown inquiries into the way the NZ Labour Government managed their Covid response to Covid-19, and to say that they are going to be farcical is to perhaps understate the reality.
One is the Royal Commission of Inquiry, led by Otago Honorary Professor Tony Blakely. Otago University has, of course, received substantial funds from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and big pharma companies. But the concerning part is that Professor Blakely has said that the Labour Government did an ‘outstanding job’ of handling the Covid-19 issue.
The other Inquiry is the NZ First generated Government Inquiry.
This is of course instigated by Winston Peters. The same Winston that co-signed into law the draconian Covid-19 Public Health Response Act and sponsored his Minister’s ‘Internet Censorship Bill’ – the authoritarian, totalitarian censorship of online free speech.
It gets worse. The Minister overseeing the inquiry is Brooke van Velden of the Act Party who is pro Covid vax, as is her party leader, David Seymour.
The bottom line is: we need a fully and truly independent public inquiry that has nothing, zero, to do with crown or government. Autonomy is going to be crucial to getting to the truth.
But both government inquiries also miss a vital aspect. And that is the pathway to holding politicians, government officials, academics and media accountable if it can be shown that they acted dishonestly, were professionally negligent or criminally malfeasant.
Our starting point is that we allege all of the above and are seeking to build our case and evidence in public hearings, expert witness, public testimonies from those harmed by the Labour government’s Covid mitigation actions etc.
Please go to www.nzcci.com to see our explanatory launch video. We will have a full terms of reference document to view soon – I think you will be blown away.
During the last couple of days I have been in court facing sentencing for electoral and administration failings. Despite being found innocent & not guilty of dishonesty and deception practices, the Judge sentenced me for charges that should have been dismissed and we are appealing this.
But the BIG news today is that I won my appeal against a sentence of imprisonment for the protest I led against lockdown harm.
Interestingly the High Court Appeal Judge, Justice Campbell publicly declared that the previous judge, Judge Winter had got it wrong – very wrong.
He paid fair tribute to me and my contribution to society and that my ‘offending’ was at the very low end of seriousness. Judge Winter will have his own day in court in front of the greatest Judge of all.
I am grateful to have some show of justice and to Judge Campbell for doing the right thing – But I am most grateful to the Lord, my wife and whanau and to you all for your support.
With your help I will be able to slowly pay off my legal bills.
Lastly – thank you again for your support across this year. 2023 was a horror year for me personally and I will be glad to see the back of it.
But with all my heart, I pray for you all a very safe summer break and that you and your own whanau will be in God’s care.
I will be working through this holiday period so do think of me too.
But please keep in mind two things. One – Seek the Lord while He can be found and two – Keep the peace in your spirit.
Nga mihi aroha kia koutou katoa.
