It’s Thursday 30th November and I finally sit down and force myself to make time to do this important blog. I love blogging but my free time is so limited at the moment!
I am so busy it hurts my feelings just thinking about how overwhelmed I am. Still I am heading to the Wellington area this weekend to speak and to screen the River of Lies - The NZ Scamdemic Investigative Documentary which has been receiving amazing reviews both locally and internationally. Seeing the fruit of those reviews helps me to keep going.
We have seen the new government sworn in and Winston Peters somehow managing to pull a gigantic rabbit out of the hat to be Deputy Prime Minister again, following a time when it seemed the silver fox would never be in Parliament again. That in itself shows the success and failure of the ‘democratic’ system we live in.
NZ First has brought some good policies in such as repealing the Therapeutic Products Act 2023, removing sexualisation of children from the curriculum and endorsing the opening up of mineral and energy exploration. There are some others as well.
But ALL of this is meaningless in light of what they HAVE brought into policy and therefore will soon be legislation. Shockingly, the NZ Tax Payer Union celebrates this new policy that NZ First is bringing in:

WHAT!!!??? This means that there is no longer any process whereby Kiwis can scrutinise any drugs that come into New Zealand - there is now no barrier to any drug coming into the country if endorsed by ‘recognised regulatory agencies’ most likely like the FDA, WHO and CDC or maybe even GAVI - the Global Alliance for Vaccines & Immunisations founded by Bill Gates who also funds WHO - you can discern the issue of concern here.
The WHO has a schedule of 500 new vaccines listed into the global vaccination programme to be implemented from now until 2030. This is on average 80 new vaccines per year they want to put in the bodies of every human. And the potential link to the International Health Regulations amendments could mean that this programme may have strong global political support and now free access to all New Zealanders without adequate scrutiny. Is this paranoia?
Not at all - this is verifiably concerning. Just look at the last 2 - 3 years and what we have experienced when NZ has followed the directives of foreign bodies such as WHO, CDC and FDA approving lockdowns, facemarks and then the Covid-19 jab that has harmed over 65,000 Kiwis according to the Medsafe CARM adverse events report. So the question is - Why is Winston doing this? What is he up to?
And Winston, who didn’t deliver vaccine harm and mandated worker compensation as he campaigned, delivers this horrific policy and we are to trust
him with a Covid inquiry? Please understand this is not political opposition rhetoric on my side - this is shocked observation and concern.
It is my view that this new policy is as dangerous as the draconian NZ Covid 19 Public Health Response Act 2020. And THAT is a huge statement and reality check. The fact that not one political party has sought the end of the Covid-19 Public Health Response Act 2020 is the greatest sign we are in trouble.
NZ Citizen Covid-19 Inquiry.
There is a critically important need for us to have an independent Citizen led Covid-19 inquiry. I have looked at overseas public inquiry models that are good and I will be adopting a similar approach BUT with an end goal of holding those responsible for any professional or criminal malfeasance or negligence.
We are going to do the following:
- Public hearings and filmed testimonies in public halls
- Private witness documentation
- We have 3 investigators - former policemen (one is still serving), including myself
- We have a medical specialist team to interface with medical data & witnesses
- We will have up to 3 former Barrister or Judges to canvass the evidence we provide to see if there are breaches in law and in process.
The purpose of this project is so that we have a true citizen inquiry without any strings whatsoever connected to the Government and that
has the appropriate skill sets involved but most importantly the integrity to do the job on behalf of the NZ people. There shouldn’t even be any funding from the Government for this, which is a tough stance but a necessity. This independence to me is important and must be led by investigators that have the know how about how to undertake an inquiry of this scope.
Great medical people, scientific people will importantly be involved with this but correlation and inquiry construct must be put into a form that will clearly articulate and annunciate any proof of negligence, criminal behaviour or breach of process.
I am about two weeks away from being able to fully announce how the project will advance.
We absolutely need your support otherwise we run the risk of losing control of this project to Winston Peters and NZ First, the Government AND those willing to play the flute according to their song sheet.
I am as at today’s date, 38 months already into this investigation.
It is time to not look for solutions from the organisation that has been the cause of the problems we have and do face - I ask, when will we learn this?
Episode One & Two 'River of Lies - The NZ Scamdemic Investigative Documentary'
Episode One is capturing the attention of many people and starting to gain momentum and reputation and I am truly humbled by the reviews we have received. It is now available on Freedom Television Network Canada.
I am in the process of writing and laying out Episode 2 and it truly is a massive emotional challenge. Everything is intellectual until you see the stories of those harmed by vaccine injury, mandates and the deaths of loved ones. It is horrible.
Please keep me in your prayers and thoughts as I construct what will be a truly mind blowing second episode.
If you have not seen the first episode please come to Paraparaumu this Sunday 3rd at the old Mill or Ngaio Church Hall on Monday 4 or at St Sebastian’s in Masterton on Tuesday to see me screen the documentary and speak.
I would greatly appreciate your support of my work.
Thank you for reading this blog. As ever I will say what my mind and heart compels me to say, not what is politically correct or expected, but is commentary about the observations I see. I don’t always get it right, but I humbly believe I get most of it correct.
One for sure is I don’t want to offend anyone and if I have I am always saddened by the thought of it - but I cannot suppress my thoughts nor commentary if I see something wrong.
If Winston Peters were to ring me up and say ‘Kia ora Billy, let’s have a talk’ I would of course welcome that. But 2 years six months after I was arrested for peacefully protesting & standing up against the issues that Winston now says he also stands against, I am yet to receive that call. The silence is deafening… but the introduction of policies and bills by NZ First that threaten freedom in NZ do continue to emerge, just like last time they were in Government.
Will anybody else see this, support genuine resistance and listen to the silence?